RapidEye South America. More details.
List of available products (latitude from -2.07245 to -1.5963 dg, longitude from -78.7153 to -78.3512 dg)..
Platform Short Name | RapidEye |
Platform Serial Identifier | RE-5 |
Instrument Short Name | MSI |
Product type | MSI_IMG_3A |
Cloud Cover Percentage | 0 |
Start Date | 2013-04-25T16:29:28Z |
Stop Date | 2013-04-25T16:30:24Z |
Longitude | W078 |
Latitude | S02 |
Tile ID | 1738126 |
Original Name | 1738126_2013-04-25_RE5_3A_311797 |
Platform Short Name | RapidEye |
Platform Serial Identifier | RE-5 |
Instrument Short Name | MSI |
Product type | MSI_IMG_3A |
Cloud Cover Percentage | 0 |
Start Date | 2013-04-25T16:29:28Z |
Stop Date | 2013-04-25T16:30:24Z |
Longitude | W078 |
Latitude | S01 |
Tile ID | 1738226 |
Original Name | 1738226_2013-04-25_RE5_3A_311797 |
Platform Short Name | RapidEye |
Platform Serial Identifier | RE-5 |
Instrument Short Name | MSI |
Product type | MSI_IMG_3A |
Cloud Cover Percentage | 1 |
Start Date | 2013-04-25T16:29:28Z |
Stop Date | 2013-04-25T16:30:24Z |
Longitude | W078 |
Latitude | S01 |
Tile ID | 1738325 |
Original Name | 1738325_2013-04-25_RE5_3A_311797 |
Platform Short Name | RapidEye |
Platform Serial Identifier | RE-5 |
Instrument Short Name | MSI |
Product type | MSI_IMG_3A |
Cloud Cover Percentage | 2 |
Start Date | 2013-04-25T16:29:28Z |
Stop Date | 2013-04-25T16:30:24Z |
Longitude | W078 |
Latitude | S01 |
Tile ID | 1738326 |
Original Name | 1738326_2013-04-25_RE5_3A_311797 |